ScoutA good scout is never surprised: When you
Defy Danger in rural areas,
roll+Sagacious instead of
Pass without trace: When you hide in rural areas, or cover your tracks to evade pursuers, take +1 to your
Defy Danger roll.
Observe the enemy's position: When you
Read the Situation while observing your enemies, and act on the MC's answers, take +2 rather than +1.
Follow the path:
When you track, hunt of follow the trail of someone who has gone before
you - whether animal prey, your enemy, or in search of a lost comrade -
roll+Sagacious. On a 7+, you follow their trail until some major
obstacle blocks you - perhaps the trail suddenly ends, or the party
being tracked arrives at a city, or a river blocks your path. On a 10+,
your MC will tell you what happened here (eg they boarded a boat;
someone was waiting here with horses, they split up and two went one
way, while three went the other way). In either case, make another roll
to continue tracking if circumstances allow.
Ninja Concealment is second nature: When you hide yourself from sight, take +1 to your
Defy Danger roll.
You start with 1D3 doses of any of the following poisons, and when you
have a spare few hours, and the right ingredients, you can make another
1D3 doses of a particular poison. Each dose, when administered, causes
the following effect:
- Dripping Poison: Trickled down a thread into the mouth of a sleeping enemy, this poison causes 2 harm (ap) and affects the person with a -1 to Strong for the next 24 hours.
- Fire Biter: When added to a weapon, wounds caused by it always generate terrible harm. This can be in addition to the terrible harm which you may choose on a good Fight roll.
- Night Milk:
When ingested, this poison causes deep sleep within ten minutes, and
lasts for 6 hours or until the person afflicted is roused with vigor.
Acrobatic Strike: When you
roll+Bold rather than
Ghost in the Night: When you need to get away,
and name your escape route. On a 10+, you get there unscathed. On a 7+,
you get there but not without cost - you leave something behind, take a
2 harm wound or give away your identity (your MC will tell you which).
MagistrateMagistrate's Papers: When acting in an official capacity in an investigation, take a +1 to
Read a person.
Ongoing Investigations: When you act on the MC's answers after
Reading a situation or
Reading a person, take +2 rather than +1.
Do you know who I am?: When using your official position to
roll+Sagacious rather than
At your disposal: With rank comes perks: You start with
Post with Aides. If you choose the
Post with Aides move later, take +1 to your
Aides rolls.
ArtisanCraft Object: You are skilled in creating a certain type of objects (weapons, armor, paintings, cabinets, buildings etc). Each session,
On a 7+ you create a nice looking usable object of the type you
specialize in. On a 10+ you create a masterpiece that can be sold for 1
wealth above its normal value.
Patron: You have a patron who allows you to concentrate on your art. Each session, you may choose whether to receive 1
wealth or 1
favor from him or her.
A study in scarlet:
When you closely observe an item of the type you specialize in, you can
learn one thing about it - who made it, whether it has any peculiar
properties, who it was made for, etc.
A dangerous flaw:
When you observe an object of the type you specialize in for a short
while, you may spot a flaw or weakness in its design. Take +1 forward
when using this flaw or weak spot against your target. Examples: You
note that the armor your enemy is wearing was a weak spot to the left of
the chest - add +1 in your
Fight roll against that opponent; You
notice that the foundations of the building are sagging a little in a
certain point; destroying that corner post will bring the entire
building down on a successful
roll+Strong move; The new vase that
the Crane courtier is showing off dos not follow the proper color
palette, point this out and take +1 in your next
Negotiate at Court roll to cause them loss of face.
SumeiFists of Steel: When you fight unarmed or with small weapons, add +1 Harm.
I recognize your style, and can overcome it: When you
Read a person after watching them
Fight, take +2 forward when acting on what you learn rather than +1.
As tough as steel: When you
Fight unarmored, you always count as having 1 armor.
Large and imposing: When you
Threaten someone and use your size and build to do so, take +1.