A long post this time, on the many and varied paths of Paladins and Priests.
Paladin(Req: Any race Paladin)
Initial Move: Holy Champion
When you attack creatures of an antithetical nature to your religion (usually evil creatures or followers of evil religions), gain +1 to Damage rolls.
Move (level 2-5): Disciple (Varies by Religion: See below)
Move (level 6-10): Divine Warrior
When you attack creatures of an antithetical nature to your religion (usually evil creatures or followers of evil religions), roll your damage dice twice and choose the best one.
Priest (Req: Any race Cleric)
Initial Move: Signature Power
One particular spell that is particularly relevant to your religion is considered a rote spell for you. See list below.
Move (level 2-5): Disciple (Varies by Religion: See below)
Move (level 6-10): Holy Aura
Any creature attacking you has to roll its damage dice twice, and always picks the worst result (for it, not you). If it already has to do that for another reason, it’s damage is also halved.
Priest Signature Powers:
(The evil gods are not given here, since their followers will be NPCs).
Cure Light Wounds
Eostre Animalmother
Hold Animal (As Hold Person, but for normal animals)
Eostre Plantmother
Druid spell Goodberry
Burrow (New spell) Ongoing level 3 Allows the caster to burrow through earth as if they were a giant mole, the earth closing behind them as they go.
Shining Path (New spell) level 1 When you come to a fork in the path, casting this spell allows you to ask the GM which way will lead to whatever you seek (ie the safest path, the quickest path to X, etc).
Read Language (New spell) level 3 Alows the caster to understand any script momentarily.
Detect Alignment
Druid spell Produce Fire
Wizard spell Dispel Magic
Wizard spell Invisibility
Breathe Underwater (New spell) Ongoing level 1 When you cast this spell, the target can breathe normally underwater.
The Norns
Wizard spell Visions Through Time
Perceive (New spell) level 1 When you cast this spell, it acts as if you had just rolled a 10 on a Discern Reality Move.
Weaken Undead (New spell) level 1 When cast on an undead creature, it now rolls 2 dice for damage and chooses the worst one.
Flight (New spell) Ongoing level 3 When you cast this spell, you can fly around like a bird.
Magic Weapon
Druid spell Speak With Spirit (animals only)
Unknowable One
Wizard spell Mimic
Wizard spell Charm Person
Priest / Paladin Disciple Moves
Eira grants a bonus to healing – whenever you roll to heal anyone, roll 2 dice and choose the best one.
Eostre Animalmother
The disciple of Eostre Animalmother gains an animal companion similar but of less power to that of the Ranger. It has 1 instinct and 2 points to be split between Ferocity, Cunning and Armor. You also gain access to the Ranger’s Command Move. When you gain a level, your animal companion gains 1 XP. When it has 4 XP, remove them and increase one of its stats by another point (to a maximum of +3).
Eostre Plantmother
A Priest or Paladin of Eostre Plantmother can use the Cleric Move Turning against plant-based creatures.
When in Ertha’s Realm (underground in natural caverns etc), Ertha protects you. Gain +1 armor while you remain in contact with bare rock.
When undertaking a perilous journey, whichever role you choose automatically succeeds as if you rolled a 10+.
You have an encyclopedic knowledge. Whenever you Spout Lore, you can roll 3 dice and choose the best two.
Hothar’s disciples will not be swayed by others. When someone attempts to affect your mind in any way, add +2 to any defense roll you make.
Your divine resistance to fire and heat gives you +2 for any rolls you make involving defense against heat or fire, incl. +2 armour vs fire attacks.
You can choose wizard spells when picking your spells for the day, but you cast them at -2.
If you roll a natural 2 on a thieving roll, you can re-roll. In return, you have to steal at least one object and donate it to the cult within the next week or take -1 ongoing.
You receive a +2 bonus to any water survival roll, whether when drowning or when thirsty etc.
The Norns
You can read Omens either for yourself or others. Roll 2D6 (no mods) – on a 6-, that person gets -1 carried forward; on 7-9, the Omens are confused or reveal no info. On 10+ the person gets +1 carried forward.
As an alert sentinel of Rigr, you don't need as much sleep. You can take a double watch, and when on watch, count +2 to your roll.
When doing any action which harms undead, add half your level to the damage done.
You gain Heat Sight (infravision). Creatures that do not emit any heat are as invisible in the dark as they were before you received this power.
Halve all falling damage.
You can take 1 Fighter Move (of a level = to your own -1) for free.
You can take 1 Ranger Move (of a level = to your own -1) for free.
The Unknowable One
You can choose to Taunt someone. If successful, they will turn their attention to you (either ensuring they attack you in combat rather than an ally, or taking their attention away from an ally who may thus accomplish something without being noticed).
You receive a +1 to all CHA based rolls.
Paladin(Req: Any race Paladin)
Initial Move: Holy Champion
When you attack creatures of an antithetical nature to your religion (usually evil creatures or followers of evil religions), gain +1 to Damage rolls.
Move (level 2-5): Disciple (Varies by Religion: See below)
Move (level 6-10): Divine Warrior
When you attack creatures of an antithetical nature to your religion (usually evil creatures or followers of evil religions), roll your damage dice twice and choose the best one.
Priest (Req: Any race Cleric)
Initial Move: Signature Power
One particular spell that is particularly relevant to your religion is considered a rote spell for you. See list below.
Move (level 2-5): Disciple (Varies by Religion: See below)
Move (level 6-10): Holy Aura
Any creature attacking you has to roll its damage dice twice, and always picks the worst result (for it, not you). If it already has to do that for another reason, it’s damage is also halved.
Priest Signature Powers:
(The evil gods are not given here, since their followers will be NPCs).
Cure Light Wounds
Eostre Animalmother
Hold Animal (As Hold Person, but for normal animals)
Eostre Plantmother
Druid spell Goodberry
Burrow (New spell) Ongoing level 3 Allows the caster to burrow through earth as if they were a giant mole, the earth closing behind them as they go.
Shining Path (New spell) level 1 When you come to a fork in the path, casting this spell allows you to ask the GM which way will lead to whatever you seek (ie the safest path, the quickest path to X, etc).
Read Language (New spell) level 3 Alows the caster to understand any script momentarily.
Detect Alignment
Druid spell Produce Fire
Wizard spell Dispel Magic
Wizard spell Invisibility
Breathe Underwater (New spell) Ongoing level 1 When you cast this spell, the target can breathe normally underwater.
The Norns
Wizard spell Visions Through Time
Perceive (New spell) level 1 When you cast this spell, it acts as if you had just rolled a 10 on a Discern Reality Move.
Weaken Undead (New spell) level 1 When cast on an undead creature, it now rolls 2 dice for damage and chooses the worst one.
Flight (New spell) Ongoing level 3 When you cast this spell, you can fly around like a bird.
Magic Weapon
Druid spell Speak With Spirit (animals only)
Unknowable One
Wizard spell Mimic
Wizard spell Charm Person
Priest / Paladin Disciple Moves
Eira grants a bonus to healing – whenever you roll to heal anyone, roll 2 dice and choose the best one.
Eostre Animalmother
The disciple of Eostre Animalmother gains an animal companion similar but of less power to that of the Ranger. It has 1 instinct and 2 points to be split between Ferocity, Cunning and Armor. You also gain access to the Ranger’s Command Move. When you gain a level, your animal companion gains 1 XP. When it has 4 XP, remove them and increase one of its stats by another point (to a maximum of +3).
Eostre Plantmother
A Priest or Paladin of Eostre Plantmother can use the Cleric Move Turning against plant-based creatures.
When in Ertha’s Realm (underground in natural caverns etc), Ertha protects you. Gain +1 armor while you remain in contact with bare rock.
When undertaking a perilous journey, whichever role you choose automatically succeeds as if you rolled a 10+.
You have an encyclopedic knowledge. Whenever you Spout Lore, you can roll 3 dice and choose the best two.
Hothar’s disciples will not be swayed by others. When someone attempts to affect your mind in any way, add +2 to any defense roll you make.
Your divine resistance to fire and heat gives you +2 for any rolls you make involving defense against heat or fire, incl. +2 armour vs fire attacks.
You can choose wizard spells when picking your spells for the day, but you cast them at -2.
If you roll a natural 2 on a thieving roll, you can re-roll. In return, you have to steal at least one object and donate it to the cult within the next week or take -1 ongoing.
You receive a +2 bonus to any water survival roll, whether when drowning or when thirsty etc.
The Norns
You can read Omens either for yourself or others. Roll 2D6 (no mods) – on a 6-, that person gets -1 carried forward; on 7-9, the Omens are confused or reveal no info. On 10+ the person gets +1 carried forward.
As an alert sentinel of Rigr, you don't need as much sleep. You can take a double watch, and when on watch, count +2 to your roll.
When doing any action which harms undead, add half your level to the damage done.
You gain Heat Sight (infravision). Creatures that do not emit any heat are as invisible in the dark as they were before you received this power.
Halve all falling damage.
You can take 1 Fighter Move (of a level = to your own -1) for free.
You can take 1 Ranger Move (of a level = to your own -1) for free.
The Unknowable One
You can choose to Taunt someone. If successful, they will turn their attention to you (either ensuring they attack you in combat rather than an ally, or taking their attention away from an ally who may thus accomplish something without being noticed).
You receive a +1 to all CHA based rolls.
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