Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Dungeon Frost Hell World Part Three:Factions and Professions C-G

In this installment, we see the Convocationist, the Grey Legionnaire and the Guild Thief.

Convocationist (Req: Any Race except Frost Dwarf Wizard)

The Convocation is a group of Elementalists, wizards who base their spells on the four elements. They operate as a kind of guild, meeting each other to swap notes, copy spells and discuss news of relevance to their studies. There are few Anari or Saxa elementalists who are not members, though elf and halfling elementalists are rarer, often preferring to do their own thing. Frost Dwarves can only become Rune Mages.

When an Elementalist starts out, he learns spells applicable to one particular element; as he or she progresses in their studies, they often gather spells of other elements too. Those who have mastered spells of all four elements are referred to as  Arkhwisards (Archmages), and are exceedingly rare in numbers. Each element is diametrically opposed by another; when you are choosing to add an extra element, you may not choose the element diametrically opposed to your original choice until you become an Arhhwisard. Earth and Air are diametrically opposed, as are Fire and Water.

Initial Move: Elemental Power
You may choose spells of another element in addition to your first element.

Move (level 2-5): Elemental Mastery
You may choose spells of a third element.

Move (level 6-10): Arkhwisard
You may learn spells of the fourth element that you are diametrically opposed to.

Elementalist Spells

Cantrip: Unseen Servant (as Wizard cantrip)

Lvl 1: Obscuring Mist (as lvl 3 Druid spell), Invisibility (as lvl 1 Wizard spell), Magic Missile (as lvl 1 Wizard spell, must be air related) and Voice on the Wind (A new spell: The caster can send a message of up to twice his level in words to any one person he knows, wherever they are in the world).

Lvl 3: Lightning Bolt (as lvl 3 Wizard spell Fireball, but made of lightning which strikes all in an area), Flight (A new spell: Ongoing, Caster or target he touches can fly as if he were a bird), and Banish Air or Earth Elemental (A new spell: Caster makes a Battle of Wills roll with an Air or Earth Elemental by rolling 2D6 + Int mod. Your GM may give you a penalty to your roll for particularly powerful elementals, and you receive a -2 when battling against Earth elementals. On a 10+, it is sent back to the planes from which it came. On a 7-9, it cannot harm you but will continue to battle against your will; on a 6- it will be enraged and attack you).

Lvl 5: Air Barrier (A new spell: Ongoing, When you cast this spell, a barrier of air immediately springs up before you that stops all missile attacks from getting through to you as well as stopping any creature from pushing through unless they are particularly powerful, in which case they cannot do anything else but push through), and Summon Air Elemental (as lvl 5 Wizard spell, takes the form of an air elemental).

Lvl 7: Elemental Form (Air) (as lvl 5 Wizard spell Polymorph, except that you (and only you) become a creature of air - you can flow through any gap, blow things around, and otherwise act like you were an air elemental), and Air / Earth Immunity (A new spell: Ongoing, while this spell is in effect, you or the target you choose is invulnerable to any elemental air or earth attacks (including any damaging spells of those types, poison clouds and suffocation by being buried alive).

Lvl 9: Storm of Vengeance (As lvl 9 Druid spell).

Cantrip: Mend (as Wizard cantrip Prestidigitation, but without the illusory aspects)

Lvl 1: Entangle (as lvl 3 Druid spell), Magic Weapon (as lvl 1 Cleric spell, weapon becomes rock-like in form), Armour (A new spell: Ongoing, Target's skin becomes rock-like, hardening to provide +1 armour),  and Bladebreaker (A new spell: When cast on an enemy's metal or stone weapon, this spell causes it to corrode or crumble, making it useless).

Lvl 3: Banish Air or Earth Elemental (A new spell: Caster makes a Battle of Wills roll with an Air or Earth Elemental by rolling 2D6 + Int mod. Your GM may give you a penalty to your roll for particularly powerful elementals, and you receive a -2 when battling against Air elementals. On a 10+, it is sent back to the planes from which it came. On a 7-9, it cannot harm you but will continue to battle against your will; on a 6- it will be enraged and attack you), Burrow (A new spell: Ongoing, Allows the caster to burrow through earth as if they were a giant mole, the earth closing behind them as they go), and Bridge (A new spell: Ongoing, Creates a bridge of rock that shoots out of the earth to span a river, chasm, pit, etc, up to the caster's level x 10' in length). 

Lvl 5: Earth Barrier (A new spell: Ongoing, When you cast this spell, a barrier of earth immediately springs up before you that stops all missile attacks from getting through to you as well as stopping any creature from pushing through unless they are particularly powerful, in which case they cannot do anything else but push through, leaving them open to attack), and Summon Earth Elemental (as lvl 5 Wizard spell, takes the form of an earth elemental).

Lvl 7: Elemental Form (Earth) (as lvl 5 Wizard spell Polymorph, except that you (and only you) become a creature of earth - you can walk through earth and rock cannot be knocked down, and otherwise act like you were an earth elemental), and Air / Earth Immunity (A new spell: Ongoing, while this spell is in effect, you or the target you choose is invulnerable to any elemental air or earth attacks (including any damaging spells of those types, poison clouds and suffocation by being buried alive).

Lvl 9: Quake (A new spell: Ongoing, While you concentrate, an area of up to 10' square per level is affected as if there were an earthquake going on. Everyone in the area covered will be knocked down and take 2D6 damage ongoing, and any buildings will likewise be affected. If used underground, this may cause the area to be blocked by falling rocks.

Cantrip: Light (as Wizard cantrip)

Lvl 1: Magic Missile (as lvl 1 Wizard spell, must be fire-based), Flaming Sword (as lvl 1 Cleric spell Magic Weapon, but with flames), Heat Mask (A new spell: Ongoing, While the caster concentrates, the target of the spell emits no heat, and thus cannot be seen by any creature that depends on heat for its sight), and Heat Sight (A new spell: Ongoing, While the caster concentrates, he can see any creature that emits heat or cold clearly in the dark).

Lvl 3: Fireball (As lvl 3 Wizard spell), Cause Fear (as lvl 1 Cleric spell, with fire), and Banish Fire or Water Elemental (A new spell: Caster makes a Battle of Wills roll with a Fire or Water Elemental by rolling 2D6 + Int mod. Your GM may give you a penalty to your roll for particularly powerful elementals, and you receive a -2 when battling against Water elementals. On a 10+, it is sent back to the planes from which it came. On a 7-9, it cannot harm you but will continue to battle against your will; on a 6- it will be enraged and attack you).

Lvl 5: Fire Barrier (A new spell: Ongoing, When you cast this spell, a barrier of fire immediately springs up before you that stops anyone from passing through unless they wish to take 1D10 damage), and Summon Fire Elemental (as lvl 5 Wizard spell, takes the form of a fire elemental).

Lvl 7: Elemental Form (Fire) (as lvl 5 Wizard spell Polymorph, except that you (and only you) become a creature of fire - everything you touch will start to burn (including people you grapple), and you otherwise act like you were a fire elemental), and Fire / Water Immunity (A new spell: Ongoing, while this spell is in effect, you or the target you choose is invulnerable to any elemental fire or water attacks (including any damaging spells of those types, liquid poisons or drowning, and normal or magical fire).

Lvl 9: Consume (A new spell: The target of your spell is consumed from within by fire. Unless it has some sort of immunity to fire or magic, it will burn to ashes as it spontaneously combusts, taking 2D6 damage which ignores armour every time it takes any other damage).

Cantrip: Sanctify (As Cleric rote, only affects liquids).

Lvl 1: Magic Missile (as lvl 1 Wizard spell, water-based), Mimic (as lvl 3 Wizard spell), Healing (as lvl 1 Cleric spell Cure Light Wounds), and Breathe Water (A new spell: Ongoing, Caster or target can breathe underwater as if he or she had gills).

Lvl 3: Visions Through Time (as lvl 3 Wizard spell), Mirror Image (as lvl 3 Wizard spell), and  Banish Fire or Water Elemental (A new spell: Caster makes a Battle of Wills roll with a Fire or Water Elemental by rolling 2D6 + Int mod. Your GM may give you a penalty to your roll for particularly powerful elementals, and you receive a -2 when battling against Fire elementals. On a 10+, it is sent back to the planes from which it came. On a 7-9, it cannot harm you but will continue to battle against your will; on a 6- it will be enraged and attack you).

Lvl 5: Water Barrier (A new spell: Ongoing, When you cast this spell, a barrier of water immediately springs up before you that stops anyone from passing through unless they are particularly powerful, in which case it takes all their strength and power to force their way through, leaving them open to attack), and Summon Water Elemental (as lvl 5 Wizard spell, takes the form of a water elemental).

Lvl 7: Elemental Form (Water) (as lvl 5 Wizard spell Polymorph, except that you (and only you) become a creature of water - you can flow between cracks, douse fires, and otherwise act like you were a water elemental), and Fire / Water Immunity (A new spell: Ongoing, while this spell is in effect, you or the target you choose is invulnerable to any elemental fire or water attacks (including any damaging spells of those types, liquid poisons or drowning, and normal or magical fire).

Lvl 9: Cloudkill (as lvl 7 Wizard spell).

Grey Legionnaire (Req: Any race Fighter)

The Grey Legion are a motley bunch of mercenaries with but a single thing in common. All have little left to live for, most having committed crimes of magitude, some having lived lives of dissolute waste, others having been exiled from their home communities. Whatever their stories, the Legion takes any who wish to redeem themselves, to give their lives achieving something of note for the people of the world, so that their miserable lives prior to this point will not have been for nothing, or to make amends for their past wrongs. In joining the Grey Legion, all prior sins are forgiven.

Initial Move: Dark Past
Before you joined the Grey Legion, you were a member of some evil group. Discuss such factions with your GM and choose one. When you Spout Lore about this group or Discern Reality when confronting them or their handiwork, add +1 to recognize them.

Move (level 2-5): Nothing To Lose
With little to hope for, you find that you fear little any more. When you Defy Danger to resist fear or intimidation, add +2 to your roll.

Move (level 6-10): No Thought To Defense
On a successful Hack and Slash roll, you may do an additional D6 damage, but you lay yourself open to counter attack, and your armor is ignored, with a -1 going forward to your armor. This is in addition to any extra damage you may choose to do as a result of rolling 10+.

Guild Thief (Req: Any race Thief)

Many thieves are independent, but most soon learn that joining a guild is better for their health and continued survival on the mean streets. In addition to providing contacts, fences and safe houses, guilds can offer training and influence to aid you.

Initial Move: Guild Influence
When rolling for Outstanding Warrants, add +2 to your roll. In addition, if you need a safe house, roll + Cha. On a 7-9, choose one; on a 10+, choose 2:
  • You are safe.
  • You stay in the same safe house rather than move around to evade your pursuers and can count on a proper rest.
Move (level 2-5): Guild Training
You gain a +2 bonus to one of the following:
  • Pick Locks
  • Pick Pockets
  • Disable Traps
Move (level 6-10): Cross Training
The guild employs many specialists of a wide range of skills. Choose one Move from another class at your level -1.

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