Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Dungeon Frost Hell World Part Ten: Factions and Professions R

Not many more of these to go now. This one details the Raven Knight, Reliquary Agent, Roadwarden and Rune Mage.

Raven Knight (Req: Any race Fighter)

The Order of Knights Raven is an odd sort of guild. While some of their members are skilled in arms, their main strength is in leadership and tactics. Nobles tend to hire them as advisors due to their knowledge of strategy and tactics, and they can often be found co-ordinating troops in battle. Some nobles leave the field entirely to their mercenary Raven Knight commanders, in order to either avoid fighting themselves or so that they might throw themselves fully into the fight without worrying about the course of the battle.

Initial Move: Commanding Presence
When you Aid, you can affect two people at once.

Move (level 2-5): Co-ordinate Attack
When you Aid, you can affect another person (stacks with Commanding Presence).

Move (level 6-10): Master Tactician
Before going into combat, bark your orders and roll 1D6 twice, taking the best result; assign this number of points as bonuses going forward to the other players as you like.

Reliquary Agent (Req: Any race Bard or Thief)

The Reliquary is an organization dedicated to the study and retrieval of ancient artifacts. These are magical weapons, armor and objects that have stood the test of time, their powers often unique, permanent and powerful. How they were made is a mystery, since no-one today can come close to discovering the secrets of their manufacture. The Reliquary has agents poring through dry texts looking for information on these artifacts, who when they learn of a possible location of such an item, attempt to retrieve it. Sometimes denigrated as tomb robbers, and rumored to be willing to take extreme measures in order to retrieve an item when the owner does not wish to part with it, the aim of the group is not fully known. Why the reliquary are collecting these artifacts and what they intend to do with them is not known.

Initial Move: Artifact Lore
Take the Bard Move Bardic Lore with an area of expertise being Magical Artifacts. If you are a Bard, you get this in addition to your other area(s) of expertise.

Move (level 2-5): Tomb Robber
When you Defy Danger to evade a trap, or use the Trap Expert Move or the Disable Traps option from Tricks of the Trade, add +1 to your roll.

Move (level 6-10): Arcane Sense
When you Discern Reality, you can also add the question "Are there any magical items here?" to the list. If such items are present, you will be able to perceive them. If there is one nearby, you will be able to tell the rough direction of the item(s).

Roadwarden (Req: Any race Ranger)

While the Hearth Knights protect the borders of the Hearthlands, and the White Rangers patrol the Winterlands, the job of keeping the roads within the Hearthlands falls to the Roadwardens. An informal group, the Roadwardens keep an eye on the roads for bandits and creatures that have slipped past the keen eyes of the Hearth Knights. Some travel, either individually or in groups, throughout the realms of the Hearthlands, while others use one of the many Roadwarden Towers that dot the roads as their base.

Roadwarden Towers are small buildings, usually wooden but occasionally stone that have been erected by the patrons of the Roadwardens (mostly local lords and merchants who use certain roads regularly) that provide shelter and some protection. Passing roadwardens will often leave dried food, kindling and straw for horses. Thankful travellers will often leave a donation behind when they leave (and many will also gather firewood etc to replace what they have used), or will offer what they can to any roadwardens they meet on the road.

Initial Move: Bounty Hunter
When you hear of a crime or see one take place on the road, you gain +1 ongoing to track down the criminal responsible.

Move (level 2-5): Tower Network
When in civilized lands, Spout Lore; on a success, you know of a nearby Tower where you can rest up for the night. On a 10+, it is stocked with rations etc too.

Move (level 6-10): Fletcher
When in a wooded area, you can make your own distinctive arrows. Refill your ammo supply up to 4 (1 weight) and take +1 forward with your next Volley Move.

Rune Mage (Req: Frost Dwarf Wizard)

Frost Dwarves and magic don't tend to mix; the only form of magic open to Dwarves is the traditional school of Rune Magic. Rune Magic is a slow process, involving the inscription (either with some sort of pen, chalk etc) or engraving of runes on particular objects, walls, floors etc. It tends to be temporary, though some of the more expert Rune Mages can make their runes last considerably longer, sometimes even permanently. Rune Mages tend to be more physically capable than wizards of other races, but their magic is not as powerful in most situations. You need to have a few seconds and be able to inscribe the rune on the item concerned; you cannot inscribe a rune on another player's sword while he is fighting, for example.

Initial Move: Runic Insight
You gain an extra Basic Rune to add to your book.  

Move (level 2-5): Etched Rune
Any Runes you engrave tend to last longer. Ignore the first -2 penalty for ongoing Runes.

Move (level 6-10): Hard Engraving
When you create an ongoing Rune, if you roll a total of 12+, then you can choose to make that Rune permanent. If the item or surface it is etched onto is destroyed, then the Rune is also destroyed. Unfortunately, Powered Runes cannot be made permanent; if you inscribe one of these, it only provides a permanent +1 bonus instead. You must also have the appropriate Move to make Axe, Spear, Hammer, Armor or Arcane Resistance ongoing before you can make them permanent.

To create a Rune Mage, use the Wizard template, but replace the following Starting Moves:

  • Spellbook becomes Rune Book. You start with a number of Basic Runes equal to your Int mod.
  • Prepare Spells is ignored.
  • Cast a Spell becomes Inscribe Rune. Use the same procedure as for casting spells.
  • Spell Defense is ignored.
  • Ritual remains the same.  
The Following Advanced Moves also change:

  • Prodigy is ignored.
  • Empowered Magic is ignored.
  • Expanded Spellbook is ignored.
  • Arcane Ward is ignored.
  • Counterspell is ignored.
  • Master is ignored.
  • Greater Empowered Magic is ignored.
  • Arcane Armor is ignored.
  • Protective Counter is ignored.
  • Mystical Puppet Strings is ignored.
  • Spell Augmentation is ignored.
Add these Advanced Moves at level 2-5:
  • Runic Knowledge: You gain an extra Basic Rune (this can be taken up to three times in total).
  • Warrior's Gift: When you inscribe the Weapon Rune on a weapon, it acts as an ongoing Rune rather than simply being carried forward.
  • Force of Will: When you inscribe the Shield Rune, Armor acts as an ongoing Rune rather than simply being carried forward. You can also add +1 to your Battle of Wills for Warding, and your Barrier will stop 1D6 attacks from getting through.
  • A Thousand Suns: When you inscribe the Sun Rune, Healing does 1D6 rather than 1D4, Fire no longer requires any fuel, and Light becomes more intense, so much so that any creature that is used to darkness rather than light is affected by the glare. This may mean it will roll damage twice and take the worst result, that anyone attacking it will receive a +1 as it cowers, that it may attempt to flee from the brightness, or that it will seek to attack whoever is holding the lit object (GM's choice).
Add these Advanced Moves at level 6-10:

  • Runic Mastery: You gain an extra Advanced or Basic Rune (this can be taken twice times in total).
  • Craftman's Strength: You spend a lot of time crafting items to engrave, and are no stranger to the forge. Because of this, your damage dice is increased to D6.
  • Dwarven Magic is stronger: When you inscribe the Negation Rune, your Arcane Resistance becomes ongoing rather than simply being carried forward. Your Silence can affect a 10' radius around the inscribed rune, affecting others too, and your Negate Magic can permanently dispel most magic if you roll a 12+ and wish to do so.
  •  Runic Quest: You have heard rumours of ancient Runes now lost to Dwarves. Tell your GM of an Ancient Rune, including what spells are associated with it. He or she will ensure that you learn of the location os such a rune. Once you have successfully found the rune, which may not be exactly as you heard (The GM may change it partly if it is too powerful etc), you may add it to your Rune Book.
  • Powered Runes: If you inscribe any of the following Runes, you receive a +2 rather than +1 carried forward: Axe, Spear, Hammer, Armor, Arcane Resistance. 


Each Rune has three variations, the basic form remaining the same, with additional lines or shapes representing the different effects. When you inscribe a rune, you choose which of the three effects you wish to use. While a starting Rune Mage gets access to more spells (and sometimes more powerful ones right out of the gate), their spells are generally less powerful than those of other wizards, especially at later levels. You cannot inscribe the same rune twice to increase its effect, but you can inscribe several runes on the same object which give different effects. You can inscribe whatever runes you know, without worrying about their level. If on a roll of 7-9 you choose to forget that Rune, you lose access to  all three spells associated with that Rune until you get a chance to read through your Rune Book again, which takes a good hour or so to do. Most Runes only last for one application; Armor, for example, will last only until someone hits it and ruins it, when it is then triggered. Some may be ongoing, such as Light, 

Basic Runes

Alteration Rune
The Alteration Rune consists of Prestidigitation (as Wizard Cantrip), Invisibility (as Wizard lvl 1 spell) and Growth / Shrink (A new spell: Ongoing, Allows the object or person that the Rune is inscribed on to grow or shrink up to twice or half its normal size).

Hidden Rune 
The Hidden Rune consists of Darkness (as Cleric lvl 3 spell), Cause Fear (as Cleric lvl 1 spell) and Secret (A new spell: Ongoing, Allows another Rune to be concealed. Ideal for setting traps).

Null Rune
The Null Rune consists of Arcane Resistance (A new spell: Going forward, you can add +1 Armor against a magical threat (magical weapon, damage-dealing spell etc), even when armor is usually negated. For example, if you are hit with a fireball, you will receive 1 Armor point to help resist the damage from it), Silence (A new spell: Ongoing, The person holding the inscribed object is utterly silent, which means he or she cannot cast spells, but cannot be heard), and Negate Magic (A new spell, Ongoing, A circle is inscribed around the source of the magic. While the circle remains, the spell or magical effect is dampened and does not take effect. This does not dispel the spell permanently, only stops it from taking effect temporarily.     

Shield Rune
The Shield Rune consists of Armor (A new spell: When engraved on an object (usually a shield or actual armor), gives +1 Armor  going forward to the person holding / wearing it), Barrier (A new spell: Ongoing, A one way wall of force stops 1D4 missile attacks from penetrating. People can still walk through the Barrier and attack with hand weapons through it though. The missile (arrow, sling stone, spear etc) simply cannot pass through the barrier, and so no damage is done. When you first inscribe this spell on the floor, roll 1D4; the spell is ongoing until either this number of attacks have been stopped, or the Rune Mage stops concentrating on it, and Warding (A new spell: Ongoing, When you inscribe a line across the floor, any unnatural summoned creature (demonic, elemental or undead) that wishes to pass the line must engage in a Battle of Wills with you. Roll 2D6 + Int, and your GM may give you a penalty for particularly strong creatures. On a 10+, it cannot cross the line. On a 7-9, it cannot cross now, but may keep trying to beat you in the Battle of Wills.

Sun Rune
The Sun Rune consists of Healing (as Cleric lvl 1 Cure Light Wounds, but only heals 1D4), Light (as Wizard cantrip) and Campfire (A new spell: Ongoing, When inscribed on the floor (up to a 10' circle), and the Rune Mage concentrates, a fire starts, which is ongoing as the Rune Mage continues to concentrate. If fuel is added, the fire will then continue as a normal fire without the Rune Mage needing to concentrate any more.  

Weapon Rune
The Weapon Rune consists of Axe (A new spell: When inscribed on a weapon (which does not have to be an axe, but can be any weapon), the wielder takes +1 going forward), Spear (A new spell: When inscribed on a weapon (which does not have to be a spear, but any weapon), the wielder takes +1 Piercing going forward, and Hammer (A new spell: When inscribed on a weapon (which does not have to be a hammer, but can be any weapon), the wielder takes +1 to damage going forward). 

Advanced Runes

Sight Rune
The Sight Rune consists of Visions Through Time (as Wizard lvl 3 spell), Translation (A new spell: When inscribed onto writing, the Rune Mage can read the text as if it was a language he already understands) and True Seeing (as Wizard lvl 7 spell), which is usually inscribed on a piece of glass or gem held up to the eyes.

Spirit Rune
The Spirit Rune consists of Contact Spirits (as Wizard lvl 1 spell), Cage (as Wizard level 5 spell) and Summon Monster (as Wizard lvl 5 spell).

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