The Known World |
This map shows the extent of the Known World. In the southwest is Alantaris Isle, with Aspiria and Chalcis above it. To the east from the Isle is the Magocracy, and further west are the Marklands. The areas under the ranges of mountains seen about 2/3 of the way up are the Hearthlands, the lands above them the Winterlands, and at the very top of the map can be seen the Ice Wall that defines the boundary of the Hellfrost.
The campaign will mainly take place in the Freelands, immediately beneath the Icebarrier mountains (the long chain on the east of the map), occasionally going into the Winterlands realm of Heligioland immediately to the north, and occasionally to the more centralized Marklands to the south and east.
A closer (though more blurry) look at the Freelands:
The Freelands |
The towns and cities of the Freelands (and those of Heligioland to the north) are generally independent, mostly Saxa, but with an infusion of Anari. No centralized leader rules these realms, but they do form trading partnerships with each other. Within the Freelands are the headquarters of the Reliquary (The Citadel), the Sisterhood of Mercy (Sanctuary, the Sisterhood are a group of healers not affiliated with the Cult of Eira), and the Hearth Knights (Hellfrost Keep).
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